Central California’s #1 Bankruptcy Attorney

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Read through our tips on going through bankruptcy.

Borrowing to Get out of Debt

Borrowing to Get out of Debt

A common question that is asked in people trying to avoid bankruptcy is an inquiry about a debt consolidation loan or a signature loan or a home equity loan or some type of loan that if they just had one easy payment, the mess one go away and they could avoid a...

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Discharging Student Loans in Bankruptcy

Discharging Student Loans in Bankruptcy

Despite the common knowledge to the contrary, it is possible to reduce or eliminate your student loan debt in a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Fresno. First off, to discharge these debts, you must file an adversarial proceeding. For most debts, such as credit...

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What is my stuff worth in a bankruptcy?

What is my stuff worth in a bankruptcy?

When you file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Visalia, or any bankruptcy for that matter, one of the factors to determine if you will have to surrender some of your possessions is if they have any value. So what is the trustee looking for and how do you value items to make...

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Things Debt Collectors Will Do

Things Debt Collectors Will Do

If you are considering chapter 13 bankruptcy in Fresno, this means more likely than not you are facing numerous contacts from creditors.  This is usually done by a direct phone call or through a letter.  Understand they have one job:  get money from you. They are good...

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Why Chapter 7 May Not be the Best Bankruptcy Chapter for You

Why Chapter 7 May Not be the Best Bankruptcy Chapter for You

When people say Bankruptcy, they usually mean a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy.  Chapter 7 just refers to a section of the legal code that deals with the different types of bankruptcy.  For short hand purposes is also called liquidation.  You basically put all your assets in...

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The Do’s and Do Not’s of Planning for Bankruptcy

The Do’s and Do Not’s of Planning for Bankruptcy

For whatever reason, you are thinking about bankruptcy assistance for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, covering about 99% of the people out there, is in your future.  Here are some tips to save you some pain and to avoid wasting money. DO: Save up a little bit of money (at...

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The Top 10 Reasons People File Bankruptcy

The Top 10 Reasons People File Bankruptcy

There are several reasons people file bankruptcy.  The usual reasons people cite are medical bills and job loss.  These are what you will see when people are looking to score political points or argue for this or that new law or regulation.  However, what I think...

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Business Information

Our Locations:

Fresno Office:
1222 W. Shaw Ave
Fresno, CA 93711


Visalia Office:
525 W. Main Ave #142
Visalia, CA 93291




Mon – Fri: 8AM – 5PM

Feel free to text after hours. Will respond when available.

We’re Here To Help You

We know going through any legal situation can be stressful.

Stephen Labiak and his team is here to help guide you step-by-step through this process. We’re here to help you and answer your questions. 

Give us a call today for your free consultation and we’ll show you how we set ourselves apart from other law firms in Visalia and Fresno.